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Result  Of  Explosive  Dust

Combustible Dust Is Finely-Ground Organic Or Metal Particles Found In A Variety Of Industries And Workplaces

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Is Your Company Processing  Products With A Potential For Combustible Dust Explosions?

Workplaces  And  Industries  Affected

If Your Company Processes Any Of These Products, Know The Potential For A Combustible Dust Explosion

How Is Combustible Dust Tested?

EMSL Recommends OSHA ID-201SG Sampling Method Guidelines & The OSHA Combustible Dust Emphasis Program CPL 03-00-008

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About Combustible Dust

Combustible dust is a material that is capable of igniting or burning when suspended in air. Combustible dust is usually characterized by particulate with an average diameter of 420 micrometers (μm) or smaller and a moisture content of less than 5%

Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board (CSB) identified 281 combustible dust incidents between 1980 and 2005 that led to the deaths of 119 workers, injured 718, and damaged numerous industrial facilities. If your company handles fine agricultural, chemical, or carbonaceous dust, there is potential for explosion produced by combustible dust.

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